Windows Blue Screen when Encoding Video (how to auto update lots of drivers)

This is a bit of a geeky Windows tip. For the last few days, I’ve been unable to encode more than a couple of videos, in various different apps, without my PC crashing out with a BSD (Blue Screen of Death). My computer has been running perfectly well other than this issue. I’d tried updating […]
Read MoreHow to add MP3 Audiobooks to iPhone, without using iTunes

I’ve tried various different ways of adding MP3 Audiobooks to iPhone. Most have been time consuming and had limited success. This method is incredibly quick, and ‘just works’. You’ll need MediaMonkey, which is what I’ve been using to add music to my iPhone for years. The free version of the app is all that’s needed. […]
Read MoreHow to add lots of tasks to NirvanaHQ (batch import multiple actions)

The notes below will enable you to effortlessly add a list (no matter how long) of actions/tasks into NirvanaHQ. With the press of one button on your keyboard, each line of the list will be entered into Nirvana one at a time until it’s done. This is all automated. You can just sit and watch […]
Read MoreImplementation Day 26 – Ups and Downs

Interesting day today. Hard to keep focused, but kind of got somewhere. Not exactly where I was heading though. I almost started the day by ‘just clearing my desk’. This was beginning to turn into an exercise in shuffleling papers and compiling huge intimidating ‘todo lists’ from the mess. Luckily, I recognised this for the […]
Read MoreImplementation Day 24 – iPhone App development

I’m back! Well, it’s been a gruelling few days, but I’m back in the world (@AMuggler even missed me!) with lots to update on. The most exciting thing is that one of my iPhone app ideas may well be being made!! I thought this was dead in the water, but it’s had a life line […]
Read MoreTemporary pause

Due to circumstances beyond my control, my ‘Month of Implementation’ project has been put on hold until Tuesday. Today and Monday are written off due to issues outside of the business. On Tuesday, I will be a Frog eating animal! Have a great weekend.
Read MoreImplementation Day 23 – Time management and CRM

I started today with a jog. That may not sound like much of a business implementation, but I definitely need to make some time to exercise. Healthy body healthy mind n all that. Anyway … I had lots I wanted to do today, but knew that I’d also have lots of interruptions due to a […]
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