Implementation Day 14 – AdWords, tweaks and catch-up

Implementation Day 14 – AdWords, tweaks and catch-up

Had a long session on AdWords yesterday. I initially set them up for the Christmas Party Magician website almost exactly 12 months ago. It was such a mine field that I’ve barely been back into the set-up since. This month is not a time for shying away from intimidating tasks though! So in I went.

The work I did 12 months ago was actually quite good. I showed the system to Cait to get a fresh pair of eyes and we decided to get rid of a few key words that were expensive and unproductive. We also thought of a couple of search terms that I wasn’t bidding on. I then actioned all of the changes we listed and will review it all over the next week.

The Christmas AdWords set-up I’ve done is now right on the edge of my skill level. I’d like to show it all to an expert to see if I’m missing anything and to take me to the next level of AdWords understanding. I’m less than impressed on my ROI with them at the moment. Experts are expensive though.

Please note:
If you are reading this and you do tele-sales for an AdWords company DO NOT CALL ME! One of the few annoying things about being a magician is the number of calls you receive from people offering to run your AdWords campaigns for a small fortune.

I also spent an important session in my email inbox today. I’ve been spending so little time on email lately that the only ones I have been replying to have been direct booking enquiries. There’s lots of other stuff that comes in, so I cleared some of the more urgent backlog.

I am hoping, within this month of implementation, to apply the principals of “Inbox Zero” to my email. I have done this before and it feels great, but I am a long way away from that system at the moment. I may not get to it this month though as its much less important than other things on my wish list.

Other bits n bobs:
– Tweaked the enquiry forms on both the Magic-Weddings and Christmas sites
– Added a couple of great testimonials I’ve had from Nigel Botterill to the Christmas site and moved others around to accommodate them.
– Lots of little changes to the Christmas website to try to convert visitors into customers.

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