My 1 month of Business Implementation!

My 1 month of Business Implementation!

I’m going to spend every working day (Monday to Friday) implementing changes in my business. These are all of the things that I know I should be doing, but never seem to find the time to do.

A few reasons:

  1. I ‘ve been a wantrepreneur for too long. Time to go for it.
  2. I have just finished a gruelling freelance project which although it had it’s good side (I was animating Walt Disney Characters!), it had me working all hours of the day and night. Throughout this, I kept myself going by promising myself that I would get much more active on my own business the second that it’s finished. It finished yesterday. The new chapter starts today!
  3. I randomly met a fellow magician on a train on Friday night. He’s about to write a novel in a month. Thousands of people do this every November. I had heard of it before and although I have no desire to write a novel, I like the structure of the idea.
  4. I also know of two different people who independently decided to create a new piece of work, within their field, every day for 1 year. One was an animator and the other a magician. The work that both of them produced was outstanding. I’m not about to commit to a year of something just yet, but a hell of a lot can be done in 1 month.
  5. In September, Nigel Botterill and his team demonstrated how a brand new business can be built and be making money within 24 hours. I didn’t even get to the event, but it still inspired me. No more excuses!

I will be improving and optimising my current business. Implementing as many of the things I know that I should be doing as I possibly can in the 23 working days (which takes us to the 4th November – 1 calendar month from today).
I will also be starting up at least two new areas of business along the way.

Why the blog?
The hardest thing about running your own business is that you are not accountable to anyone. Who cares if you stay in bed all day and loose hours on watching YouTube videos? This blog will be my guilty conscience. I have no idea if anyone will read it, but I don’t really care. I may just delete the whole thing at the end. Who knows? What I do know is that I will be documenting what I achieve and fail at every day.

What to expect?
I’ll discuss all of the tools I’ll be using along the way and doing it all on a shoe string budget. I tend to favour Open Source (free) software too so I’ll mention my favourites.

Also expect bad grammar and regular spelling mistakes. I will not be spending large amounts of time creating beautiful pieces of writing. I think that the documentation side of this is important for me, but the blog must not become an area of procrasturbation.


No working at the weekends.
No working in the evening (a bad habit of mine that my wife loves!)
Strict time slots for everything (will be trying out the Pomodoro technique as well as (10+2)x5).


Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week
Nigel Botterill’s ‘Entrepreneur’s Circle’
These two people are very different, but give me all the tools I need to get cracking.

What have I already implemented:
Hiring people to help out with the admin and sales side of the business.
Targeted websites
QR Codes
Basic admin

What do I plan to implement?
Well, you’ll just have to keep reading.

When does this start? The beginning of next month? From next Monday?
Nope, today. Not putting anything off any longer.
Day 1 is creating this whole website (which didn’t exist at all until today) and planning out the month ahead. I’m sure things will change around a bit as I go, but I’m off on the journey! …

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